International Business School at Vilnius University Students Date: 27 Mar 2014
by Augustinas Bilota , Šarūnė Janutaitė , Donata Keršytė , Aistė Rimgailaitė , Viktorija Vosyliūtė It is believed that good education can help to get a good job position. However it is not enough. A lot of people in the world are facing the problem of being unemployed. This problem especially shows up in youth lives. As Angela Merkel highlighted “youth unemployment is most pressing problem facing Europe“(2013). Acco
Youth unemployment is at the center of interest of European Union (EU) and European Commission (EC). There is a good reason for that. Did you know that around 5.5 million young people are unemployed in European Union? Imagine that in a group of 5 of your friends who are under 25 one of them (maybe even you) is unemployed even though he or she is able to work. Youth unemployment in 2013 in EU on average was 23.3%. Sit
A part of the third article of the European Union Lisbon treaty says that Union `shall promote economic, social and territorial cohesion, and solidarity among Member States.‘ It is linked to the second article that one of the goal of the EU is `the well-being of its peoples.‘ As a tool to establish economic solidarity between all the Member States is the Cohesion Policy which is investments for less developed regions
EXPRESS YOUR OPINION about current political situation, free trade agreements, elections, European history and culture! The aim is to create an online paper made by European young people covering all topics of their interests. Maybe there is something that you want to say but is not covered by the topics mentioned above? TELL US ABOUT IT! HOW IT’S DONE? Write an article (300 – 1000 words), make pictures, videos, inte