For Earth day I want to share my experiences about recycling in Sweden. Sweden is one of the countries where really good recycling system is created. Many countries have a lot of to learn from Sweden.
I studied as Erasmus student in Sweden and I had a task to create video connected with Sweden and the first mind that came to my head was recycling. Because, as I already mentioned, in Sweden they have really good recycling system and I was really glad to see how well it works. All people can do that, and they are doing it. No matter where you live, in your own house or in student’s dormitory, you have all possibilities to recycle your trash. Children from the childhood are educated how to recycle, and the most important thing they know why they are doing that. In schools teachers teach children everything about recycling, but we must not to forget that everything starts at home, so parents have to take responsibility for that.
Firstly, everywhere you can find special garbage cans for recycling. Usually people like to complain, that they have no possibilities to recycle because there are no garbage cans where to throw trashes.
Secondly, they have deposit system. When you are buying any drink, no matter it is plastic, glass bottle or aluminum can, you are paying for it and when you are bringing back used product to the shop or other recycling place and they are giving you money back. As we all know money are big motivators for everyone, so this system works really well. Every year almost 100% of all packages are recycled. Comparing with other countries really low percent of trash goes to dump.
I hope that other countries will take this good example and will start or will improve they recycling systems and we will have nice and clean earth without mountains of trash.
Enjoy videos below! Happy Earth Day!