Erasmus+ youth exchange project „Act on it“ was not only a great chance to meet new cultures, but also gave a great ability to contribute to saving environment by us. While working within groups we had to interview people in Zakopane, collected info about their lifestyles and made statistic charts. After this we had ability to make our own social campaigns „How to promote Eco lifestyle?“. The best motivation for us was idea that next day we will have ability to show our work in municipality of Zakopane.
We have divided into several groups: few of them were making videos, one group was working with street campaign and the last one collected all info from interviews and our charts and made a summarizing presentation. We had pretty short time to prepare for everything, had some problems with video making but the result was quite good. Videos were catchy and funny, related to saving environment.
In the morning we arrived to Zakopane and presented our work to personnel of municipality, including the person responsible for environment. It was a great way to show our ideas and effort we had put during this youth exchange. After the visit and presentation we decided to show our street campaign in Zakopane city. The performance was not fulfilled perfectly as it was not much time for preparation but the main idea was creative and with more effort and time could have spread the idea of saving water from pollution.
To sum up, working on social campaigns was not only good for team-building and spreading ideas among ourselves but gave ability to share our ideas with others and at least a little bit contribute to saving environment.