On 25th of April I had a great opportunity to be involved in Polish-Lithuanian youth exchange project ‘EcoLogica’. We have done some activities related to ecology. For example, such as creating a short video about ecology. The main idea of the video was raising awareness among youth about world’s ecological issues, also we were going to explore Poronin and we had to find ecology irregularities.
Each day started with new activities including with a new dish. We got catered by two charming women. Their food was fresh, made from raw products. Food was amazing and filling. We ate filling but healthy dishes. Every morning we used to get amazing breakfast that powered us for all days. During lunch we got soup and second dish, and after all we would finally get long-awaited dessert. During dinner time we didn’t ate much, because it’s unhealthy to go to bed with full bellies. Beside this, we had unwritten rule ‘not leave any food in your plate’ – in order to avoid of waisting the food.
After all, it was a pleasure to participate in Polish-Lithuanian youth exchange project ‘EcoLogica’.