I would like to share amazing memories which I got in Contact Making Event “Get me in”, which was in amazing Zakopane region in small but beautiful town Murzasichle. This ERASMUS+ KA1 project was in February/March 2015, we had a chance not only to build our partnership during different activities, but also to see beautiful mountain scenery.
In this project we were 34 participants from 9 countries: Romania, Cyprus, Check Republic, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia and, of course, Lithuania. Five days we tried to find reliable partners for cooperation in new projects offered by the Erasmus+ Program. That was the main aim of this project. All projects’ activities were organized in a non-formal way and promoted international cooperation. They encouraged us to be brave and use our chance to exchange ideas for future cooperation. Especially I liked activity “Speed date” – it gave us an opportunity to meet all participants and change contacts, also to decide in what fields we could cooperate together. It is important to mention that with each different organization we had limited time, so we had to talk only about most important things and to be concentrated on useful information.
Also I really liked the part when we were able share our good practices, answer each others questions, discuss about situations in different countries. We got a lot of really important knowledge about writing youth projects and how to make them of high quality. Project organizators made for us special evening when all our questions could be answered.
Really useful in this project was presentations evening. All participants from different organizations had to present NGO without any extra information, only what are in their heads. In this way we felt responsibility to remember all the most important facts.
I am really grateful for Erasmus+ programme for the opportunity to learn so much and meet so many interesting people which taught me to look to the world differently. I am also saying big Thank You for sending organization VsI Inovaciju biuras (Innovation Office) which cared about my knowledge, had trust in me and choose me as a participant for this interesting partnership building activity project “GET ME IN”.