I’m Inga from Lithuania. My volunteering experiences are more than 10 years. But I don’t call myself so. It’s my lifestyle.
In the middle of August, I participated in a project, which was dedicated to refugees, stereotypes, xenophobia, cultural differences and things like that. The project took place in Romania town Sfantu Gheorgia. There were people from 9 countries: Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, France, Turkey, Greece, Slovenia and Italy.
From one side all participants were from the same EU, but from another side so different with their own opinions, life experiences, attitudes.
During the trainings we got a lot of information and tried them out. I’d like to exclude 2 trainings. The first one was in town. There we could contact with real people and watch their reactions. The second one was “alive” library. It’s something new for me. Book is a “alive” person. Book reading is a conversation between people. It looks so simple.
I know that all of us are very busy. Remember that helping another people is a marvelous feeling. You can’t believe but all of us are wizards. It’s so easy to make miracles. Just one smile or question, or a discussion can help another person’s life, make day shiny. Please, be so kind, and find just a few minutes a day to do it. Wish you the best.