Since it was my very first youth exchange ever, I did not have too high expectations for it before getting there. But as soon as I got back home and unpacked my luggage, I bursted in tears after realising how much I’ll miss my friends, all the activities and trips together. It’s really hard to put in words everything you experience during the Erasmus+ youth exchange ‘Act on it’. Since it is an international project, for sure the best part is meeting other cultures and interacting with them. ‘Act on it’ was a place were Lithuanians, Slovaks and Polish people got an opportunity to spend some time together and get to know each other whilst learning about ecology and how to be more eco friendly. We worked in groups, had some great workshops and did some researches.
One of the activities was t-shirts workshop. Before the project even began we were asked to bring our own old t-shirt or, in case we couldn’t find one, look for it in second hand shops, so that we could save some resources and maybe bring back to life an old piece of clothing. And it was great! Everyone had so much fun, creativity was floating around us everywhere! We were writing and painting suggested eco quotes like ‘Come to the eco side’ and so on.
The other thing that stuck to my mind was costume contest on the very last night together. Although not too many pals participated, but everyone had a great laugh and were proud of the winners. The main point was to create an eco friendly costume from the things and materials you could find in villa, create your own eco heros name and super powers. With the help of our judges (leaders) two participants were announced the winners.
I’m so grateful I got a chance to participate in this exchange in Poronin, meet those amazing people, have such an amazing leader, get to know more about ecology and other cultures:) What I’m also really thankful for is that the organisers of this project really took great care of making me vegan food (although from all the people there I was the only one with such need). And it was not only vegan, but also extremely delicious! 🙂