
About us

European Youth Newspaper “Eurappeal.eu” is an online newspaper about what the European Union (EU) and Europe mean to young people. It should be both about general topics like European identity and culture and about the current political situation and elections. The idea of this project is to create an online paper made by European young people covering all topics of their interests; let them express their opinion freely. Being affected by this idea, about ten young people from all over Europe got together in a Facebook group and started thinking and discussing the details of the paper they wanted to create. This included the choice of language and way of publishing as well as the kind of articles and pieces that should come into the paper. Now the homepage is online and journalists, academics, students and young people in general are encouraged to present their views and experiences of what the EU, Europe and current events on the continent mean to them and their daily lives. This project was recognized and co-financed by “Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung” within the project “Meine Stimme. Deine Wahl”.


Junge Akademie Wittenberg (Germany) is the youth sector of the “Evangelische Akademie Sachsen- Anhalt e.V.” and focuses on organizing workshops, congresses and camps for children and young adults. “Eurappeal” is an independent project created by Saskia Brandstäter during her time volunteering with the academy.




VšĮ Inovacijų biuras (Lithuania)  is a private non-profit institution, which encourages people (especially young ones) to be active, creative, and innovative; helps them integrate into society by using activities based on innovative ways. Organization is working not only in Lithuania, but also abroad while participating in various international projects.