On the 23rd of July groups from Poland and Lithuania met in the Murzasichle in order to participate in a project called “Europeans are one family “. During the first day we tried to learn each others names and break the ice between us – we managed to do it really quickly!
Then we came up with some rules which had to make our time in this project even better. One of the rules was to greet everyone in the morning with the high five – and that’s exactly what we did the next day. After the breakfast we had a few workshops about the EU and after the lunch we played a city game in others to get to know Murzasichle more. after a good night sleep we set out to Zakopane. There we went to the local market, climbed the mountain and simply enjoyed the city vibe. when we got back to our hotel we had a dinner at a bonfire. Later on,the game of “hunter” began so everyone becouse a bit nervous but still had so much fun! On Friday we traveled to Morskie Oko – the hike was quite difficult, however, the view was absolutly worth it.
The lakes, the mountains, a beautiful weather, the were a perfect combination which made us fall in love with this part of the world even more. After this trip it was time to do some serious work. So, on the next day we had to make presentations about different tipes of tolerancy and had discussions afterwords. These we made a small survey with the local to ask about their knowledge about of the European union and tolerancy. In the evening, the lithuanians team organised their national evening, where they presented their history, language and traditions. We finished it off with some folk dances which were really fun! On the next day we oreated a TEO talks about the tolerance – each group had their own ideas and presented their topics creatively. Finally, yesterday we went to another mountains to try out our physical conditions – we managed really good and almost did not get tired. Almost. And here we are. Today is the last day of this amazing project. The memories and friends we made are going to stay with us together. We are not sad that it is over, we are happy that it happened.
By Diana Bezujevskytė